Cooperatives by their definition and purpose seek the best benefit for their members, staff and .....
Our Relief work for coronavirus victims centered around Daegu which was the main city affected. .....
Ananda Karnika (The Abode of Bliss) is a rural-based intentional community located near Jeonju, South .....
The construction of the Yaogika Cikitsá Kendram (Yoga Wellness Center) was officially opened on August .....
Ananda Marga Meditation Centre in Hong Kong offers inspiring courses to live a healthy, harmonious .....
Many margiis from around the world long for an extended meditation retreat that truly supports .....
We are a female yoga & meditation centre of Ananda Marga – an international social .....
We will participate in the Jeju Island International Meditation and Music Festival from May 12-15 .....
Offering inspiring courses to live a healthy, harmonious and meaningful lifestyle, Ananda Marga Meditation Centre’s programmes include .....
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