Academy of YOG.I.S

YOG.I.S. Academy (Yoga and Intuitional Science) was founded in 2015 by a small group of Italian members of Ananda Marga with the aim of spreading knowledge about the Science of Yoga as taught by Shrii P. R. Sarkar, to as many students as possible. In the first course, 35 students enrolled.

Today Kamaleshvara (founder of YOG.I.S) his merits do not come just from his positions, but from the results of the services for which he contributed: construction of a master unit in Verona; creation of a tofu and seitan factory to generate funds to plow; start of Ananda Marga’s publications in Italy; launch of the Academy of Yogis and the Academy of Neohumanism, as part of Gurukul’s department; and opening of a store and yoga center called Dharmica Point. As a yoga and meditation instructor, more than 12,000 adults have already gone through their classes, conferences and retreats, in addition to nearly 10,000 public school children. He also published two books: ” Tantric Biopsychology ” and ” Food of the Gods”, That together they sold more than 8 thousand units and are available for purchase online by Amazon.

With so much history to tell, Kamaleshvara ended up becoming a reference in how to do pracar, and currently gives training for other margiis who want to develop as pracarakas. “Training pracarakas is my favorite activity. We need to create human structures, committees, training, and also physical structures, such as jagrtis. I promised Baba that I would do that, when I had personal contact. Every day I repeat that promise, and every day I fight to take his mission forward, “he says. For him, a good job of pracar depends on three main aspects: being an example, surrendering to the Guru’s grace and understanding the reality in which one wishes to act.

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