We are happy to announce that the July 2020 issue of Gurukula Network, our fiftieth issue, is now available online. The theme of this issue is Beyond Corona: Neohumanist Responses. There is a lot of information in these packed pages, but the content is elevating. Please do take your time to digest the information.
Many thanks to Michele Montenegro for all his hard work in making the conversion to electronic form.
The link is here: https://gurukul.edu/newsletter/issue-50/
Thank you to everyone who sent in their articles, news, and photos. We are greatly indebted to all who are doing wonderful works to hasten the advent of a neohumanist society. Thank you also to Didi Ananda Advaeta for the cover design.
Please feel free to share the newsletter link with friends and interested persons.
Due to Corona and disruption in mail services around the world, there will be a limited number of hard copies for this issue, but you are welcome to print the PDF if you so choose.
With best wishes,
Arete Brim
for Gurukula Network